What is the impact of Tesla's solar tiles?
Tesla has developed solar panels which can be incorporated into roof tiles, their solar tiles are lighter in weight, cost approximately...

Teachers under stress. What can we do?
What a sad state of society it must be where 70% of teachers do not recommend teaching as a career? (source : Tes). Teachers are under...

UK heading for another recession
Alarming news report that UK may be heading for another recession and if it is the case then it will have little control to come out of...

Project Management jargon
BRD- Business Requirements Document. Contains a list of requirements that the business wants the project to deliver. FSD- Functional...

When did you last have a Heart-to-Heart with your children?
Children being children do not often know that they are in a problem, which is partly why they don't proactively raise it as a concern....

How many types of Risks are there?
How to categories Risk? There are 6 categories of Risk and they are as follows: 1) Market Risk 2) Credit Risk 3) Funding Risk 4) Conduct...

What is the difference between MicroEconomics and MacroEconomics?
Micro Economics vs Macro Economics Macro Economics is about the wider picture of the world, how is the global economy or a country's...

Should parents of private schools get tax rebate?
7% of the British students attend independent schools. The figures rises to 14% for sixth form students. That is over 500,000 students...

Yellow Pages vs Google
Once upon a time Yellow pages had so much cash they did not know what to do with it. Not sure, the same could be said in 2017 where they...

TV is not just entertainment. It is a form of education
TV is not just entertainment, it is a form of education and shapes the norms of our society. On Dragon's Den they shredded an...