What would the schools of 2080 look like?
What would the schools of 2080 look like? Would there still be teachers? Would we still follow a national curriculum or would education...

Accelerator effect and Multiplier effect
Accelerator effect- when an increase in demand for consumer goods causes an increases in demand for capital goods (machines). Example- If...

Problem with the food business
The main problem I find with restaurants and takeaways is their mind-frame. The owners are cost focused which means they do not always...
Have local councils surpassed their expiry date? (Part 1)
Local councils in the UK are in the news almost everyday for the wrong reasons. From closing down recycling centres, to overspending on a...
What is SWOT?
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It is the most common quadrant used by businesses to assess what they...
Google's competitors
Google operates in many industries, for example Google maps, Android and the most obvious search engine. 1) Google Search Engine's...
Example of Duopoly
Recent example of duopoly in the digital advertising world are Google and Facebook. Don't forget Google bought YouTube and it is the...
Gov intervention
Article from Guardian- useful for exams and coursework Courier wins holiday pay in key tribunal ruling on gig economy. Judge decries...
Workers could get say over bosses' pay
An article posted on IB Times is useful in understanding Inequality, Supply of Labur, Government intervention- Wealth distribution policy...
A useful article for Economics & Business exams
Guardian discusses GDP, Fiscal and Monetary policies, Price mechanism- Rationing and Signalling effect and Income inequality. Have a...